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The Cloud

The Cloud

CSS Federal specializes in all things cloud computing including IaaS, SaaS, and PaaS models. We are experts with both business and technical analytics in our assessment and implementation of new technologies such as storage virtualization, cloud computing, identity management, and credentialing services.

Saving Time & Cost for HHS

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CSS Federal managed the successful assessment of one of HHS OCIO’s first AWS Cloud Infrastructure GSSs – the Cloud-Managed Application Hosting Center (C-MAHC). We developed processes for the vulnerability management program and continuous monitoring process that includes a matrix to monitor assessed controls within cloud-based systems. We also provided ISSOs to support the initial requirements and planning stages of the HHS Enterprise Performance Life Cycle to ensure the system received its Authorization to Operate on schedule. We worked closely with the operation team to create a control matrix template to identify all inherited and hybrid controls for the new systems that will reside on C-MAHC, saving time and costs through a “test once/satisfy many” testing approach.

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