Strategic Partners Acquisition Readiness Contract (SPARC)
The Strategic Partners Acquisition Readiness Contract (SPARC) is a cost-effective, innovative solution for procuring information technology (IT) professional services from a pool of CMS experienced partners.
The purpose of this contract is to provide strategic, technical, and program management guidance and support services, to facilitate the modernization of CMS business processes and supporting systems.
SPARC is a multiple award, Indefinite Delivery/Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ), performance-based contract. It is available to all components within Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) and all Health and Human Services (HHS) Operating Divisions to procure IT System development services, from end to end.
Advantages for Customers:
$25 Billion Ceiling
Shortened procurement lead time
Access to high-quality industry partners
Partners officer agile, waterfall, and
hybrid methodology
Small business set-aside
Socioeconomic credit potential

Contract period: 2/21/2017 – 2/20/2027

Services Available through SPARC:
Initiation, Concept, and Planning Services
Requirements Services
Design Services
Testing Services
Security Control Assessment (SCA) Services
Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) Services
Maintenance Services
Support Services
Data Request Services
Help Desk Support Services​

CSS Federal Contract Information
Basic Contract Number: HHSM-500-2017-00012I
DUNS: 078699780
Point of Contact: Hetel Patel
Phone: 410.236.9080
Email: HPatel1@cssfederal.com